「世界の一人一人が協力しあい、『すべての人に食料を』を現実のものにし、世界に広がる栄養不良、飢餓、貧困を解決していくことを目的としています。」 by 国連食糧農業機関
「日本の私たちが食卓につくときに、世界の総人口69億人の食卓のことを考え、すべての人が食べられる世界を目指して自分にできることを始めましょう」 by 日本国際飢餓対策機構
October 16th is World Food Day , a day established by the United Nations to raise awareness of the issues behind poverty and hunger. Since 2008, in addition to World Food Day, the entire month of October has been dedicated as 'World Food Day' Month in Japan. During the month, United Nations agencies, as well as non-governmental and non-profit organizations working with issues related to poverty and hunger, collaborate to host various events and participate in educational outreach.
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