
24 「きよしこの夜」初演♪


「きよしこの夜(Silent night)」は、有名なクリスマス・キャロルのひとつ。原詞の “Stille Nacht” は、ヨゼフ・モールによってドイツ語で書かれ、フランツ・クサーヴァー・グルーバーによって作曲された。 

クリスマスの前日、ヨゼフ・モールが讃美係をつとめるオーベルンドルフの聖ニコラウス教会のオルガンの音がでなくなってしまった!(音のでなくなった理由はネズミにかじられた等、諸説あり(笑  )

これでは、クリスマス礼拝に歌う賛美歌の伴奏ができない!「讃美の無いクリスマスなんて!」頭をかかえたモールは急遽、“Stille Nacht” の詞を書き上げ、グルーバーにギターで伴奏できる曲を依頼した♪


           ↓ グルーバーの楽譜


The song was first performed on Christmas Eve 1818 at St Nicholas parish church in Oberndorf, a village in the Austrian Empire on the Salzach river in present-day Austria. A young priest, Father Joseph Mohr, had come to Oberndorf the year before. He had already written the lyrics of the song "Stille Nacht" in 1816 at Mariapfarr, the hometown of his father in the Salzburg Lungau region, where Joseph had worked as a coadjutor.

The melody was composed by Franz Xaver Gruber, schoolmaster and organist in the nearby village of Arnsdorf. Before Christmas Eve, Mohr brought the words to Gruber and asked him to compose a melody and guitar accompaniment for the church service. Both performed the carol during the mass on the night of December 24.

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