
2 一葉の奇跡の14ヶ月♪

1872年5月2日は、小説家樋口 一葉の生まれた日♪

樋口 一葉は、東京生まれ。本名は夏子、戸籍名は奈津。少女時代までは中流家庭に育ち、読書を好み7歳で「南総里見八犬伝」を読破したという。高等科を首席で卒業するも、上級に進まず退学した。母・多喜が、女性に学業は不要だと考えていたためだった。





Ichiyō Higuchi ( May 2, 1872 – November 23, 1896) was the pen name of Japanese author Natsu Higuchi. Specializing in short stories, she was one of the first important writers to appear in the Meiji period (1868–1912) and Japan′s first prominent woman writer of modern times. She wrote relatively little as a result of living a brief life—she died at 24—but her stories had a large impact on Japanese literature and she is still appreciated by the Japanese public today.[citation needed]

Higuchi was unique among her peers in that her writing was based on Japanese rather than Western models. Her work is highly regarded for her use of Classical Japanese language, and for that reason people are reluctant to update or translate it into contemporary Japanese, leaving it difficult for the majority of Japanese people to read.

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