
9 ピーターパンを育てた作家♪




ケンジントン公園の知人、デイヴィス夫妻と息子たちを別荘に招待し、彼ら家族をモデルに描いた小説「小さな白い鳥」(これに初めてピーターパンが登場する)を出版♪ 1904年には、 戯曲「ピーター・パン 大人になりたがらない少年」を発表♪ 興行的に大成功を収める♪


1909年にデイヴィス夫妻が亡くなったため、その息子二人を養子にする。これに反対した女優の妻とは離婚した(笑 1911年にピーターパンの総集編として、小説「ピーターパンとウェンディ」を発表♪ 翌年には、ケンジントン公園に養子マイケルをモデルにピーターパンの像を建てている♪ 遺児となった彼らのためのこの出版は、世界的に高い評価と名声を得、当時の国王ジョージ五世から男爵の称号まで与えられた♪


Sir James Matthew Barrie, 1st Baronet, OM (9 May 1860 – 19 June 1937) was a Scottish novelist and playwright, best remembered today as the creator of Peter Pan. He was born and educated in Scotland but moved to London, where he wrote a number of successful novels and plays. There he met the Llewelyn Davies boys, who inspired him to write about a baby boy who has magical adventures in Kensington Gardens (included in The Little White Bird), then to write Peter Pan, or The Boy Who Wouldn't Grow Up, a "fairy play" about an ageless boy and an ordinary girl named Wendy who have adventures in the fantasy setting of Neverland.

Although he continued to write successfully, Peter Pan overshadowed his other work, and is credited with popularising the then-uncommon name Wendy. Barrie unofficially adopted the Davies boys following the deaths of their parents.

Barrie was made a baronet by George V in 1913, and a member of the Order of Merit in 1922. Before his death, he gave the rights to the Peter Pan works to Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children in London, which continues to benefit from them.

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