
7 演奏不可能チャイコフスキー♪



ピョートル・イリイチ・チャイコフスキーはロシアのウラル地方に鉱山技師の次男として生まれる♪ 一家は祖父の代から、チャイカ( 伝統的な苗字でカモメの意味)を変化させた姓チャイコフスキーを名乗っていた。

幼少のころから非凡な音楽的才能を示していたが、両親は息子を法律学校に入れた。卒業後は法務省に勤務するが馴染めないでいると、1861年に妹のアレクサンドラが大貴族ダヴィドフ家に嫁ぎ、作曲家としての兄の後ろ盾と成った♪ 兄弟姉妹は仲が良く、生涯チャイコフスキーを支え続けた♪


しかし作品の真価を確信していたブロツキーが各地で演奏し、次第に世評を得たという♪ その後アウアーも同曲をレパートリーに入れるようになった♪




Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky (7 May 1840 – 25 October/6 November 1893),[a 2] often anglicized as Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky, was a Russian composer of the late-Romantic period, some of whose works are among the most popular music in the classical repertoire. He was the first Russian composer whose music made a lasting impression internationally, bolstered by his appearances as a guest conductor in Europe and the United States. Tchaikovsky was honored in 1884, by Emperor Alexander III, and awarded a lifetime pension.

Although musically precocious, Tchaikovsky was educated for a career as a civil servant. There was scant opportunity for a musical career in Russia at that time and no system of public music education. When an opportunity for such an education arose, he entered the nascent Saint Petersburg Conservatory, from which he graduated in 1865. The formal Western-oriented teaching he received there set him apart from composers of the contemporary nationalist movement embodied by the Russian composers of The Five, with whom his professional relationship was mixed. Tchaikovsky's training set him on a path to reconcile what he had learned with the native musical practices to which he had been exposed from childhood. From this reconciliation, he forged a personal but unmistakably Russian style—a task that did not prove easy. The principles that governed melody, harmony and other fundamentals of Russian music ran completely counter to those that governed Western European music; this seemed to defeat the potential for using Russian music in large-scale Western composition or from forming a composite style, and it caused personal antipathies that dented Tchaikovsky's self-confidence. Russian culture exhibited a split personality, with its native and adopted elements having drifted apart increasingly since the time of Peter the Great. This resulted in uncertainty among the intelligentsia about the country's national identity—an ambiguity mirrored in Tchaikovsky's career.

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