
15 大輪を描くオキーフ♪


オキーフは、70年間の長い画歴のほとんどを費やして、花、風景、動物の骨を描いたんだ♪   画面いっぱいに拡大して描いた花の作品群が特に有名♪





広告会社からの強い要望で、ハワイから帰ってきて描いたのが「ヘリコニア」と「小さなパイナップルの実」↓ だった。この2作品は広告に採用されたけど、ハワイで描いた作品ではなかったんだ♪ 

Georgia Totto O'Keeffe (November 15, 1887 – March 6, 1986) was an American artist. She is best known for her paintings of enlarged flowers, New York skyscrapers, and New Mexico landscapes. O'Keeffe has been recognized as the "Mother of American modernism".

In 1938, the advertising agency N. W. Ayer & Son approached O'Keeffe about creating two paintings for the Hawaiian Pineapple Company (now Dole Food Company) to use in their advertising.Other artists who produced paintings of Hawaii for the Hawaiian Pineapple Company’s advertising include Lloyd Sexton, Jr., Millard Sheets, Yasuo Kuniyoshi, Isamu Noguchi, and Miguel Covarrubias. The offer came at a critical time in O’Keeffe’s life: she was 51, and her career seemed to be stallion. She arrived in Honolulu February 8, 1939, aboard the SS Lurline, and spent nine weeks in Oahu, Maui, Kauai, and the island of Hawaii. She painted flowers, landscapes, and traditional Hawaiian fishhooks. Back in New York, O’Keeffe completed a series of 20 sensual, verdant paintings. However, she did not paint the requested pineapple until after the Hawaiian Pineapple Company sent a plant to her New York studio.

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