国家より、南方探索の命を受けて英国軍艦エンデバー号を指揮し出帆、多くの島や海岸線を発見した♪ 卓越した航海術、優れた地図作成技術、真実のためには危険な地域も探検する勇気(南極圏への突入、グレートバリアリーフ周辺の探検など)、逆境での統率力、海軍省の指令の枠に納まらない壮大なアドベンチャーとして名を馳せた。欧州人として初めて太平洋を航海しオーストラリアに到達、ハワイ諸島も発見した。それらを綴った自筆の緻密な航海日誌を残し、ニューファンドランド島とニュージーランドの海図を作製。また、史上初めて壊血病の死者を出さずに世界周航を成し遂げた♪
The land adjacent to Botany Bay was settled for many thousands of years by the Tharawal and Eora Aboriginal peoples and their associated clans. On 29 April 1770, Botany Bay was the site of James Cook's first landing of HMS Endeavour on the continent of Australia, after his extensive navigation of New Zealand. He wrote extensively in his journal about these people, calling them as "Savages of the East." Later the British planned Botany Bay as the site for a penal colony. Out of these plans came the first European habitation of Australia at Sydney Cove. Alhough the penal settlement was almost immediately shifted to Sydney Cove, for some time in Britain transportation to "Botany Bay" was a metonym for transportation to any of the Australian penal settlements.
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