
23 マイヨール100m潜水♪


これは、人類史上初めての記録なんだ。ジャック・マイヨールは、この時49歳だった♪ 彼は、5年後105メートルまで前人未到の記録を延ばす。


この映画「グラン・ブルー」は、若者達の絶大な支持を集め、映画館前は長蛇の列。フランス国内の観客動員数は1000万人、パリでは187週連続上映という記録を打ちたてた。彼らは「Grand Bleu Generation」と呼ばれ、社会現象にもなったんだヨ♪

Jacques Mayol (April 1, 1927 – December 22, 2001) was the holder of many world records in free diving.

Jacques Mayol was a French national born in Shanghai, China. He was the first free diver to descend to 100 meters (330 ft) (November 23, 1976), and he managed to descend to 105 meters when he was 56 years old. During the scientific research phase of his career, he tried to answer the question of whether man had a hidden aquatic potential that could be evoked by rigorous physiological and psychological training.

The film The Big Blue, directed by Luc Besson in 1988, was inspired by his life story (and the life story of the Italian diver Enzo Maiorca); Mayol was one of the screenwriters.

The Big Blue (released in some countries under the French title Le Grand Bleu) is a 1988 English-language film in the French Cinéma du look visual style, made by French director Luc Besson. The film is a heavily fictionalized and dramatized story of the friendship and sporting rivalry between two leading contemporary champion free divers in the 20th century: Jacques Mayol (played by Jean-Marc Barr) and Enzo Maiorca (renamed to "Enzo Molinari" and played by Jean Reno), and Mayol's fictionalized relationship with his girlfriend Johana Baker (played by Rosanna Arquette).

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