
3 ローマの哲学者キケロ♪



「カティリナ(右端)を追及するキケロ(左手前)」↑ チェーザレ・マッカリ1888年画

執政官在任中に起きたカティリナ一派による国家転覆未遂事件において、首謀者を死刑とする英断を下し、元老院から「祖国の父」 の称号を与えられる♪




「アルキメデスの墓を発見したキケロと行政官」↑ ベンジャミン・ウエスト1797年画

Marcus Tullius Cicero[n 1] (3 January 106 BC – 7 December 43 BC) was a Roman philosopher, politician, lawyer, orator, political theorist, consul and constitutionalist. He came from a wealthy municipal family of the Roman equestrian order, and is widely considered one of Rome's greatest orators and prose stylists.

Though he was an accomplished orator and successful lawyer, Cicero believed his political career was his most important achievement. It was during his consulship that the Second Catilinarian Conspiracy attempted to overthrow the government through an attack on the city by outside forces, and Cicero suppressed the revolt by executing five conspirators without due process. During the chaotic latter half of the 1st century BC marked by civil wars and the dictatorship of Gaius Julius Caesar, Cicero championed a return to the traditional republican government. Following Julius Caesar's death Cicero became an enemy of Mark Antony in the ensuing power struggle, attacking him in a series of speeches. He was proscribed as an enemy of the state by the Second Triumvirate and consequently executed by soldiers operating on their behalf in 43 BC after having been intercepted during attempted flight from the Italian peninsula. His severed hands and head were then, as a final revenge of Mark Antony, displayed in the Roman Forum.

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