
5 「天声人語」始まる♪



また、ラテン語の“Vox populi vox dei.”が元になっているという説もある。この直訳は、「民衆の声は神の声である」。 この題で、Asahi Evening Newsに天声人語の英訳が掲載されているんだ。




「読売新聞」  →「編集手帳」

「毎日新聞」  →「余録」

「東京新聞」  →「筆洗」


he column first appeared in 5 January 1904 in the Osaka Asahi Shimbun. It was named by Nishimura Tenshu, the chief editor of Osaka Asahi Shimbun. The origin of the name is not clear, though it might be the translation of "Vox Populi, Vox Dei", or "the voice of the people is the voice of god". In 1913, the Tokyo Asahi Shimbun started a similar column named The Tojin Seijin (東人西人) until the end of August 1940. On the next day, both offices of the Asahi Shimbun changed the name of the column to The Udai Mudai (有題無題' ) and then on January 1, 1943, The Kamikaze-fu (神風賦 ). On September 6, 1945, the title of the column returned to Tensei Jingo.

While appearing op-ed, the columns are actually written by professional newspaper reporters. The column reflects recent news, or change of seasons. It may contradict the editorial opinion of the paper.

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